Create an LTL Rate Request
This method is part of the Shipping Customer's Published Rates flow. A Shipping Customer creates a rate request (documented on this page) which kicks off the corresponding notification to eligible, qualified Service Providers.
- Provide specific and accurate rate request information for Service Providers to provide the most accurate rates.
- Service Providers respond to the notification with bookable rates.
Request Headers
For additional authorization headers, see the Authentication page.
Header | Value | Description |
X-Affiliate | {affiliate's user Id} | Set the affiliate ID using this header. If none is provided, the affiliate ID becomes the ID of ther user making the request. Use this header in conjunction with the third party ID (thirdPartyId) to tie the request to a unique identifier. |
Sample Request Body
Each input request body differs based on which commodity for which the rate request is created. The example below is a complete JSON input body for Less than Truckload or LTL Freight categories. To use this example request, replace the pick up date so that it is at least one day ahead of the present date.
{ "route": { "Items": [ { "address": { "streetAddress": "1000 Main Street", "alternateStreetAddress": "Bldg 8, Suite 300", "majorMunicipality": "Santa Barbara", "postalCode": "93108", "stateProvince": "CA", "country": "US", "type": "BusinessWithLoadingDockOrForklift" }, "timeFrame": { "earliestArrival": "2014/10/20", "latestArrival": "2014/10/20", "timeFrameType": "on" }, "attributes": { "inside": true, "liftgateRequired": false }, "contact": { "name": "JaneSmith", "companyName": "CommercialGoodsGalore", "phoneNumber": 1234567890 } }, { "address": { "postalCode": "78741", "country": "US", "type": "BusinessWithLoadingDockOrForklift" }, "attributes": { "inside": false, "liftgateRequired": false, "callBeforeArrival": true, "appointmentRequired": true }, "contact": { "name": "JaneSmith", "companyName": "CommercialGoodsGalore", "phoneNumber": 1234567890 } } ] }, "items": [ { "Commodity": "NewCommercialGoods", "unitCount": 1, "packaging": "Pallets", "weightInGrams": 226796, "freightClass": 77.5, "stackable": true, "hazardous": false, "handlingUnit": "Pallets48x40Inches" } ], "attributes": { "protectfromFreezing": false, "sortandSegregate": false, "blindShipmentCoordination": false }, "thirdPartyId": "String for Third Party Identifier" }
Success Status: 201 Created
Response Header
Location header{rateRequestID}/rates
API Reference
Route Object
Visit the Route Object reference. Follow this list of LTL-specific requirements:
- The "streetAddress" is required.
- If no address type is specified, the default is "Residence" where the "companyName" field is not required in the contact object.
- The pick up time frame is the only one available and is required. Do not specify the delivery time frame.
- The only time frame type you can specify for pick up is "on" where the time frame dates must match exactly.
- Either specify the zip codes or the latitude and longitude for both pick up and delivery addresses.
Commodity Object
Either provide the freight class and weight or the dimensions and the weight. Once you choose either freight class or dimensions for one item, you must stay with the same parameters for the rest of the items in the rate request.
Field | Type | Description |
commodity |
String |
Specify the LTL Freight commodity found in the reference enumeration section below Commodity Codes. Required. |
unitCount |
Integer |
If no value is provided, the default is set to one (1). |
handlingUnit |
String | The method in which the unit is handled by a carrier during transport. If a number of packages have been secured to a single pallet and cannot be separated during transport, the quantity is referred to as (1) handling unit. Required. Dimensions: Include pallets and other packaging materials. Example: A shipment containing 10 boxes stretch-wrapped to a single pallet should be described as (1) handling unit. A shipment containing 10 un-palletized “loose” boxes should be described as (10) handling units. Valid example string for a handling unit "Pallets48x40Inches". A lookup will be available to get all valid values. For now, see table below. |
stackable |
Boolean |
The item has flat surfaces and can sustain the weight of another object.
lengthInMeters |
Decimal | The length of the item or unit in meters. Required unless freight class is supplied. |
heightInMeters |
Decimal | The height of the item or unit in meters. Required unless freight class is supplied. |
weightInGrams |
Integer | The total weight of the item or unit in grams. Required unless freight class is supplied. |
freightClass |
Decimal |
Carriers use freight classes to calculate shipping costs. They are defined in the National Motor Freight Classification Guide. If you are unsure of your shipment's freight class, simply enter the dimensions and weight for a rate request. A lookup will be available to get all valid values. Freight class is determined by four factors:
hazardous |
Boolean |
A substance or material may be classified as hazardous if the transportation of the material in a particular amount and form poses an unreasonable risk to health and safety or property. Hazardous materials are defined by the U.S. Department of Transportation in accordance with the Federal Hazardous Material Law and require special handling and documentation. For more general information, go to the U.S. DOT website at
Pickup / Delivery Accessorials
Field | Type | Description |
inside |
Boolean |
Inside pickup/delivery
liftgateRequired |
Boolean |
Liftgate service at pickup/delivery. If a liftgate is required for the shipment, it must be specified especially when the address type is “Residence” or “BusinessWithoutLoadingDock”. Providing the service requires extra charge.
callBeforeArrival |
Boolean | The Shipping Customer requires the Service Provider to call the specified contact at the delivery address before arriving at the location. Providing this notice requires extra charge.
appointmentRequired |
Boolean | The Shipping Customer requires the Service Provider to set an appointment for when to deliver. Providing this service requires extra charge.
Additional Services Accessorials
Field | Type | Description |
protectFromFreezing |
Boolean |
Protect from freezing
blindShipmentCoordination |
Boolean |
Blind shipment coordination
sortandSegregate |
Boolean |
Sort & segregate
Optional unique string identifier used in conjunction with the X-Affiliate header to tie the request to a unique identifier. Useful for uShip API consumers and third parties to identify rate requests in their own applications and systems.
Reference Enumerations
Commodity Codes
A GET /v2/lookup will be available to programmatically retrieve this information.
Business and Industrial Goods Categories
String |
WoodPaperProducts |
LiquidsGasesChemicals |
StoneMetalsMinerals |
CommoditiesDryBulk |
GeneralFreight |
MixedFreight |
Utilities |
PharmaceuticalProducts |
Fertilizers |
PlasticsRubber |
TextilesLeather |
MiscellaneousManufacturedProducts |
OtherBusinessIndustrialGoods |
PaperProducts |
LogsandOtherWoodintheRough |
WoodProducts |
PaperorPaperboardArticles |
PrintedProducts |
LiquidsGases |
Chemicals |
CrudePetroleumOil |
WaterWell |
GasolineandAviationTurbineFuel |
FuelOils |
ChemicalProductsandPreparationsnec |
BuildingMaterials |
MachineryLargeObjects |
ElectronicandOtherElectricalEquipmentandComponentsandOfficeEquipment |
PrecisionInstrumentsandApparatus |
CoalorCoke |
MonumentalorBuildingStone |
NaturalSands |
GravelandCrushedStone |
NonMetallicMineralsnec |
MetallicOresandConcentrates |
CoalandPetroleumProductsnec |
NonMetallicMineralProducts |
Metalsheetscoilsrolls |
BaseMetalinPrimaryorSemiFinishedFormsandinFinishedBasic |
ArticlesofBaseMetal |
Vehicle, Boat, Food & Agricultural Goods Categories
String |
VehicleParts |
BoatParts |
RefrigeratedFood |
MeatFishSeafood |
CerealGrainsincludingseed |
AnimalFeedProductsofAnimalOrigin |
MilledGrainProductsPreparationsandBakeryProducts |
Beverages |
AlcoholicBeverages |
OtherPreparedFoodstuffsandFatsandOils |
TobaccoProducts |
OtherFoodAgriculture |
LTL Freight Categories
String |
NewCommercialGoods |
UsedCommercialGoods |
WineLiquorBeerSpirits |
NonPerishableFoodsBeverages |
OtherLessthanTruckloadGoods |
Handling Units
Valid String Values
Boxes |
Cartons |
Crates |
Drums |
Bags |
Bales |
Bundles |
Cans |
Carboys |
Carpets |
Cases |
Coils |
Cylinders |
Loose |
NoPackagingRequired |
PackagingHelpRequired |
Pallets48X40Inches |
Pails |
Reels |
Rolls |
TubesPipes |
Other |
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