• Register


This workflow shows a high level view of Published Rates and the order of events to successfully create rate requests, rates, and book the selected rate. We call out the specific parties involved during each step of the process.

If you have questions, don't hesitate to email us at api-support@uship.com. Keep your account manager in the loop for the best integration and support experience.

Published Rates Workflow



URI Base (production) 


URI Base (staging) https://apistaging.uship.com
Authentication When making v2 requests, follow the password grant flow outlined in Authentication.



1 Create Rate Request

a) A Shipping Customer initiates a rate request with a valid JSON input body that includes listing details.

POST to the URI ...https://api.uship.com/v2/rateRequests/


Create a Rate Request OR Create an LTL Freight Rate Request


b) A Service Provider receives a rate request notification via their recipient URL.

Sample listening recipient URL https://portal.samplewebapi.com/services/uship/service.php


Rate Request Notification



2 Create Rate

a) A Service Provider submits rate(s) via

POST to URI .../v2/rates/{rateId}/rates


Create a Rate


b) A Shipping Customer receives the rates via

GET from URI .../v2/rateRequests/{rateId}/rates


Get a List of Rates



3 Accept Rate

a) A Shipping Customer accepts a rate from the rates via

POST to the URI .../v2/rates/{rateId}/acceptance


Accept a Rate


b) A Service Provider receives a rate acceptance notification via their recipient URL.

Sample listening recipient URL https://portal.samplewebapi.com/services/uship/service.php


Booking Acceptance Notification



4 Accept Booking

A Service Provider accepts or denies the rate they provided. Currently, the response is manually done on uShip.com. Eventually this confirmation step can be automated.

  • If the Shipping Customer's payment method on file is successfully charged, then the Service Provider receives a booking notification with the booking details.
  • If the Shipping Customer's payment method is declined, he or she will receive an email or notification indicating that he or she must resubmit a valid form of payment for the booking. At that time, the shipment becomes active / available in the uShip marketplace and the booking request is no longer pending. 


5 Listing Status Notification

Optional. A Service Provider receives a listing status notification when the Shipping Customer updates the listing.